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If you're looking for a great location to do business, you've come to the right place.

North Haven is a remarkable business and residential community with much to offer. Our town is centrally located 
with easy access to the Interstate and Merritt Parkway. With a low mill rate, tax incentives, and desirable sites 
available in prime locations, we are eager to work with developers to find  solutions to positive economic  
development creating win-win outcomes. 

This site is designed to support site locators, developers and existing businesses find information related to doing business in North Haven. On this site you will find demographics, workforce data, and a database of available buildings and properties in North Haven. Our economic development team regularly supports business by providing location tours, filling data requests, and making introductions. 

If you are interested in opening a new business, moving your existing business or would like to be involved in the future development of North Haven, we would like to talk to you.

Michael J. Freda
First Selectman

We're committed to the growth of North Haven
North Haven Maintains  
Standard & Poor's AAA Financial Rating Since May 2014!

The North Haven Economic Development Commission fosters responsible economic growth by providing a supportive approach for the retention of existing businesses and a welcoming atmosphere for the recruitment of new businesses through programs and partnerships with local, regional and state organizations that create opportunities and stability for the residents of the Town.
North Haven Receives Accreditation In 'Best Practices In Land Use and Economic Development' From The Connecticut Economic Development Association (CEDAS).